Clean Energy Industry Job Training
ECONTC Courses
BPI Building Science Principles--Certificate of Knowledge
Earning the Building Science Principles certificate is your first step into the world of energy efficient home performance. Building science demonstrates how various components of the home interact to affect the home’s overall performance. Understand the relationship between the building envelope, heating, A/C, insulation, mechanical ventilation, lighting, appliances and other systems of the home. This course is especially helpful for Home Performance newcomers and is well suited to realtors, banking and financing officials, home inspectors, utility personnel and anyone interested in an educated understanding of the term "Home Performance." While this is not a required Industry Certification, the Certificate of Knowledge is an official BPI document suitable for inclusion in a resume packet or framed in a professional wall display.
PTCS Duct Sealing Technician
Performance Tested Comfort Systems (PTCS) is a NW Regional certification program for the testing & sealing of residential duct systems and proper installation of heat pumps. It is a part of the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Energy Efficiency outreach program and is based on recommendations made by the Regional Technical Forum (RTF) for best practices in installing & managing efficient HVAC systems. Through PTCS Certification contractors are trained in program requirements & specifications as well as proper procedures for registering completed jobs and submitting needed paperwork for incentive reimbursement.
BPI Building Analyst & Envelope Professional
Prepare yourself for a new career in the fast-growing energy efficiency industry. Earn two Building Performance Institute (BPI) Certifications in one course offered as both a night and weekend class or a weekday intensive class. The BPI Building Analyst (BA) Certification is the most widely held Industry Certification and is well respected as an industry standard credential. Many Utility programs offer financial incentives for completed Home Performance measures and require the BA Certification (and often one additional, supplementary certification e.g. Envelope Professional) as a preliminary requirement to access incentive monies. BPI certification helps to ensure that the Utility and utility customers receive standardized, educated and high quality work for the measures that are installed.
BPI Weatherization Technician Training
This course is for entry level weatherization and home performance laborers and is designed around the BPI Residential Building Envelope and Whole House Air Leakage Control Installer Certification (RBE-WHALCI). The course includes classroom instruction, hands-on lab work, and in-field on the job training. Although technically considered an entry level course, graduates will find they have been exposed to a comprehensive variety of home performance concepts and techniques and are well prepared to enter the Home Performance workforce. Course participants take the BPI RBE-WHALCI Certification exam as their final assessment.
BPI Heating Professional
This is an advanced certification course focused on optimizing forced air, domestic hot water, and boiler heating systems for energy efficiency, occupant comfort, and health and safety from a house as a system approach. The BPI Heating Professional Certification qualifies as the additional, supplemental certification to the Building Analyst Certification and is ideally suited to HVAC companies looking to enter the home performance industry or any home performance company looking to increase their HVAC expertise.